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History Student


Tuesday, September 18, 2012 by

I have come into this course from a humanities background, both my undergrad and Master’s were done in history therefore I have no real experience studying the social sciences.  I have, however, in the past taken a course on Research Methods called Theory and Method.  I have to say that the readings on Luker and the first two lectures in this course have taken me back to a few years ago when I was enrolled in Theory and Method and felt completely out of my element studying research methods.  This was mostly because I was a student of history, particularly medieval history, and there are not many options at your disposal when studying the distant past except for maybe document research/analysis.  But nevertheless, I am positive and determined to tackle this course differently this time around and I am already putting a lot of thought into a potential research topic for this course (a question Sara Grimes asked us to ponder at the end of the first lecture).
Moving on to Luker, I appreciate how she encourages us to write things down (p. 20-21) so that we can ultimately work out our thoughts and ideas.  I have done this once before and definitely reaped the benefits and I suppose this is the value we will all attain from our weekly blogs.

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